In case you were unable to join our past refinery presentations or just liked them so much that you would like to see them again, you will find them here!
How two refineries maximized uptime and minimized maintenance cost in the visbreaking processes
Eva Andersson, market manager for Refinery at Alfa Laval, presents How two Iberian refineries maximized uptime and minimized maintenance cost in the visbreaking processes, using Alfa Laval heat exchanger solutions. Recorded at BBTC 2016.
Maximizing reliability and profitability in Repsol Cartagena ADU using Alfa Laval high efficient corrosion free heat exchangers.
Antonio de Francisco, Alfa Laval Iberica Sales Engineer Refinery & Petrochemicals and Eva Andersson, Alfa Laval Market Manager Refinery presenting at the IDTC conference in Madrid in 2016. The topic was Maximizing reliability and profitability in Repsol Cartagena ADU using Alfa Laval high efficient corrosion free heat exchangers.
Advantages of using Wet Surface Air Coolers for refinery effluent cooling
Vincent Polino, Alfa Laval Niagara, presents Advantages of using Wet Surface Air Coolers (WSAC) for proper refinery effluent cooling. The WSAC will be technically & commercially compared to alternative solutions, such as dry air coolers, cooling towers plus conventional heat exchangers or chillers and a case story from a US refinery will be presented. The presentation was recorded at the IRPC conference in Milan, 2016.
Use of Spiral heat exchangers to maximize profit from heavy oil processes
Eva Andersson, market manager for Refinery at Alfa Laval, presents How Spiral Heat Exchangers can be used to maximize profit from heavy oil processes, in terms of capacity increase, energy efficiency, uptime & reliability. The presentation was recorded at the IRPC conference in Milan in 2016.